

Prof Clarke is a medical oncologist, pharmacologist and translational researcher with major clinical and research interests in gastrointestinal and thoracic cancers.


A/Prof Östör MD, MA, MB BS, FRACP, FRCP, FRCP (Edin), is a Consultant Rheumatologist at Cabrini Medical Centre and Principle Investigator at Emeritus Research, Melbourne.


Dr Thin is a consultant gastroenterologist at Fiona Stanley Hospital, a position she has held for 8 years. Dr Thin is the lead clinical trials investigator for the IBD unit.


Dr Ghaly is Head of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Service and Staff Specialist at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney. He is also a lecturer at the School of Medicine, UNSW Sydney.


Executive Director Pharmacy and Redevelopment, North East Health, and owner and Director, David Ford Healthcare Consulting.